Sonny is now in his 2nd year of residency. He changes rotations every couple months and the hours vary depending on what department he's in. He is doing ENT right now and the schedule has been pretty nice. Starting Friday he will be doing Opthomology, which he says will be an even easier schedule. In about a month, around the time the baby is due, he will be in Plastic Surgery. I'm hoping that will be a lighter schedule too but who knows. His favorite rotation so far has been Anesthesia, mostly because he got to work by himself at his own pace. Lately he has found time to return to doing stocks again and work out at the gym. I'm glad he has time to have a hobby, besides just working.
Taylor is getting to be such a big boy. He seems to grow older every day. I love this age because they say the funniest things too. His personality has really come out. He is a crack up and I really enjoy being his mom and playing with him. With the baby on the way, he has been such a great help to me. He helps so much with the dog as well. I am excited that he will be such a good big brother. He still likes legos but has now started an obsession with camping. We've been on a few trips lately and he is really into RV's- he calls them camping trucks. He is saving up money to buy one. ha ha! He is really interested in insects and loves to read books about them. His favorite are Cinnabar moth caterpillars, which we found in a field near by. The weather has gotten nice, finally, so he spends a lot of time outside with his best friend Jackson. He is crazy about otter pops and any type of "dessert."
Jane is now 7 months old and is still a handful. I have officially concluded that puppies are way harder to take care of than a baby. She needs constant supervision and stimulation or she gets into trouble. I've only gained about 16 pds so far and I attribute that to her totally. Because of her, I have been on walks daily the last 6 months. Even though I don't feel like going most of the time, I know it's good for me and for her. She is so much fun to take on hikes because I can take her off the leash, and she especially enjoys herself around water (as you can tell with all the pictures I posted :) ) Golden Retrievers are truly water dogs. We have come pretty close to getting rid of her a couple times, because of her bad behavior, but we are trying to stick it out and enjoy the positive things she brings to our family. I know that in about 2 years or so, she will be the perfect family dog.
As for me, I have 4 1/2 weeks left until I pop. I'm finding myself a lot more anxious and nervous this time around. I think I'm mostly concerned about taking care of Taylor, the dog, and the newborn. It's also because everything happened so quick before with Taylor, having a c-section and all, and I'm trying for a vbac this time around. It's a fear of the unknown I guess. I'm so glad my mom will be coming down soon to help me. But it has been fun getting the nursery ready and I am also loving the summer!
With all the busyness, we've been on a few trips the last couple months. Taylor, Jane and I drove down to Utah in April for my brothers BYU graduation. We spent Easter down there with a bunch of family and had an awesome time. Sonny gets 2 weeks of vacation a year and decided to use one of his weeks in Idaho in June. It was a family reunion for his family and spent mostly in Rigby, Idaho. Taylor had a fun time with all of his cousins and Jane loved running around Sonny's brothers huge backyard. Sonny was able to take a few day trips with the guys in his family. They went fishing, motorbiking, and rafting. He truly needed and deserved the vacation. The girls went out one night to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Playmill Theater in West Yellowstone. It was a small production, very family friendly environment. Taylor even came along and loved it. We had listened to the soundtrack for a couple months before so we both knew all the songs! This last weekend we drove out to Seaside, Oregon to spend some time with Sonny's dad. We hung out at the beach a lot and visited with Sonny's aunt and uncle too. It was perfect beach weather! It was fun to get a couple trips in recently because I probably won't be getting out much when the baby comes.
The water at Seaside was the perfect temperature. It was super shallow too with small waves.
She was in heaven!
You can't tell but Sonny is flying a kite here. I forgot how much fun it is to fly a kite at the beach.

It was so nice being at a sandy beach again. I miss that warm sand under my feet! Sure beats Washington's rocky beaches.
Taylor with all of his gear. He is truly a beach bum, like his mom. We concluded on this little getaway that we have to live near the ocean. It's an absolute must.

It was so nice being at a sandy beach again. I miss that warm sand under my feet! Sure beats Washington's rocky beaches.
Janers found some crab... yum!