Well, at exactly 6 pm tonight, Taylor turned 2 ! We had a great day together at D-land (I know, why go on his b-day, he still gets in free?). I figured I'd check out the crowd and see what other little kids had their birthday today...Ok, pretty much the whole world... it was beyond crazy. It's funny, I always plan ahead and attempt to get there right when it opens and every single time, ya, it never happens. So I got there at 11 and left around 2. It was a very quick trip but long enough to be ready to go home. Of course we went on Pirates (Yeah!) but spent most of the time at California Adventure where the crowd was much smaller. Tay mostly swam, or sprinkled, in the water area and for the first time, enjoyed getting sprayed in the face! It was fun to watch.

The trip home was quite entertaining as well. While hitting major traffic, of course, (ya, I always plan and attempt to leave before the dreaded 91 deadlock but you know... Ah, I hate the 91!), for the first time ever, I saw a car switch drivers! while driving! and then cross over like 4 lanes in 2 seconds. Insane.

When we got home, the rest of the night was spent spoiling the heck out of him. We had some yummy Carl's Jr (Tay likes the chicken stars) and then had some Cold Stone. So Tay had a total of 2 ice creams and one cupcake today, all chocolate (or as he says, "dat dat.") But his favorite part of the day was getting his Jack Sparrow action figure! I was questioning whether or not he would be into it but he definitely was. He loves putting Jack's hat on and off and placing his sword in and out of his hand! He's only had Jack for not even 24 hours and has already lost his "effects" (what Pirates call weapons and such) a couple times in our front yard grass! Anyways, we had a blast celebrating his special day with him.

We also had a little party, Pirate themed of course, for him last Sunday with my family. He got lots of great gifts and had lots of fun with everybody. Taylor is also really into shoes right now, any kind of shoe, my shoes, girl's tap shoes (from the white house), flip flops, whatever. So he got a lot of shoes for his birthday. He loves to play in water so my mom gave him a pair of red Mickey Mouse boots, which will be perfect for Washington too. We attempted to make the Cafe Rio burrito thingys and they turned out pretty dang good. Instead of a cake, I decided to go for cupcakes. So we had a great party and I had a blast planning it.
We love Taylor and look forward to watching him grow up! He is such a cute and funny little boy who lives for swords, boots, and chocolate.
YAY!!!Happy Birthday Taylor!!!! It was fun to read about what you guys did. Sounded like a lot of fun. I liked the last picture on there. You guys look so happy.
Fun post! What a funny little guy! I love that he loves pirates so much. And he must be pretty smart to appriciate chocolate at such a young age
Wow I can't believe he is 2 already!! They grow up way too fast. I think you guys are going to have Disneyland withdrawals when you move.
Happy birthday Taylor!! The big two! Crazy how quickly time passes.
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