Here's an update on things here in Washington. First of all, I haven't really checked my blog really closely lately and I realized just a few minutes ago that attached to my Monet picture of the day (on the right side of my blog), there were somehow attached to it some questionable advertisements (Yikes!). Sorry about that guys. Hope it hasn't been there for a while.
Not much new going on here. I'm just listening to some David Bowie presently and having a bit of a breather. We've been checking out the sights in Washington, going to a lot of beaches, and watching a lot of "The Deadliest Catch." Sonny and I are totally addicted to this show! try it! It's funny, we joke about it, it's one of the few things that we both like and have in common:) We realized that they film pretty close to us, well, the Bering Sea, and that a lot of the fishermen are from Seattle and that their boats are docked here in Seattle somewhere. Cool! Sonny is hard at work, well not really, the army has been pretty easy on him so far. He always tells me that there is no incentive to excel or get ahead in his position right now. He's pretty much on his own and has a lot of free time in between patients to read or surf the web, which he loves. His patient load is way lighter than what he had at Loma Linda so it is a bit of a break for him. A break that he greatly needs before starting his killer residency next year. Ahhhh! He purchased a bike on amazon a while back and has been biking it to work every day. It's about a 9 mile bike ride one way. Tay and I and go and pick him up every day when he is done. Tay gets a kick out of showing our military I.D.s to the guys at the base gate each time. They are usually pretty nice, especially when they see on my card that I'm a captain's wife. That's right baby! The base is pretty basic, no real cool looking buildings or anythings, just designed for use etc. But Sonny's office is right by Gray's Army landing Field where all the big planes and helicopters are.
We are still looking for a house too. We are waiting for a house to come available in Dupont, a town right next the base. It's basically a military town with lots and lots of families, which I like. And a lot of wives that have their husbands deployed, which is basically what I will be next year when Sonny is in his residency. So we can all hang out together and be miserable! ha ha...The town is pretty safe and pretty small too. But the houses are really expensive and super small with no yard. I call it the Orange County of Washington. Everybody wants to live there:) But there are tons of parks and amenities for families to take advantage of. So we are hoping to find a house there soon.
Taylor is really enjoying living in our apartment (he's the only one:). He loves the 3 flights of stairs we have to go up (gag!), going to the pool, playing basketball, and going to the "pirate park." He is getting more familiar with his potty. He was scared of it for a while. He doesn't quite know what to do yet...mostly just likes to strip down and watch movies (scooby do is his fav right now) while sitting on it. Hopefully one of these days, he'll leave a little gift in it for us! He is definately a toddler now, begging for toys and all. I can't take him to a store without him mentioning getting a new gun! Oh, and he loves taking pictures of EVERYTHING with our camera.
As for me, I've come to the reality that we will be in this apartment for a while and hence, have put some pictures on the walls. I had Sonny go to our pods (which are still in storage) and get some more things for us. We have yet to get our mattress off the floor! And I decided to dye my hair last night. I was getting terribly bored with my hair. But I decided on a color that will wash out in a month. Thank goodness because it looks really really RED right now. Not that red isn't lovely, but mine is more like orangish/reddish. It was supposed to have been cinnamon stick, a warm medium brown. Whenever I dye my hair any color, it tends to turn a little reddish. weird. Once I actually straighten it, I'll post some pictures:)
We are excited to have some company in town this weekend. Sonny's mom, sister and her husband are coming in town to hang out. We will be going to the Puyallup Fair (they have some of the guys from "Deadliest Catch" there!) and best of all, going to see WICKED! It'll be my second time seeing it but Sonny's mom and sisters first. Yay, theater, I love you!
That's about it. Time to get off this computer and get some things done.