As you can see, we got a little bit of snow today! Sonny and Taylor had a grand time making a snowman together, Frosty, as Tay calls it. Sonny is the expert snowman maker. Hello, he grew up in Idaho! So I left the job up to him... ha ha. I watched as he rolled the ball all around the front yard. I was too cold to help (I stayed inside, can you see me?) Sonny was hoping that we would get a whole load of snow. I guess they close Fort Lewis when there is lots of snow because they don't have any plows. Well, lets hope for tons tonight :)

And I had to add this pic, Taylor has discovered the art of cutting with scissors. He saw me cutting out recipes the other day and wanted to join in. I found these "baby scissors" and he went to work. He would literally cut for hours on end if I let him!
We got hit hard on Sunday. But, I have to say it wasn't feeling much like Christmas without it :)
Nice snowman! Looks like Taylor had fun :)
That is the kind of snow that I like, just enough to make a snow man, not the inches of snow we have that won't go away
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