"Doing stocks"
Taylor also had a birthday on the 19th. He turned 3! He had a lot of fun opening his presents, having chocolate muffins and orange juice for breakfast, and then going to Chuck E Cheese. The first time Taylor went there he was a little too young, so he really enjoyed it this time around. We ended up staying there WAY too long though (3 hours, just playing games, talk about overstimulation!) For dinner we went to McDonalds and let him run around in the play area.

My mom gave him this scooter and he is in love with it. He calls it his "roller skater." How cute :) And sonny found this plastic armor at the thrift store for a buck. He calls himself the "knight in shining armor."

The skater in action!
Chuck E Cheese

I found a recipe for chocolate cake on allrecipes.com. It didn't turn out so well. It tasted ok but just looked strange. The recipe called for red food coloring so the chocolate cake part was red! Weird. Taylor has really been into Scooby Doo lately so we made that the theme.

Last but not least, we FINALLY decided to change his crib into a big boy bed. He did pretty good for a couple nights but now plays for like an hour and then falls asleep. Naps are pretty much non-existent but I can get him to play by himself in his room for about an hour, which is better than nothing, I guess. Taylor is doing really well with potty training. He has begun to tell me he has to go instead of me asking him all the time. Our next tackle is getting him to go in different pottys. And he has also recently learned his ABC's which is totally cool, I think.
My mom gave him this scooter and he is in love with it. He calls it his "roller skater." How cute :) And sonny found this plastic armor at the thrift store for a buck. He calls himself the "knight in shining armor."
The skater in action!
I found a recipe for chocolate cake on allrecipes.com. It didn't turn out so well. It tasted ok but just looked strange. The recipe called for red food coloring so the chocolate cake part was red! Weird. Taylor has really been into Scooby Doo lately so we made that the theme.
Last but not least, we FINALLY decided to change his crib into a big boy bed. He did pretty good for a couple nights but now plays for like an hour and then falls asleep. Naps are pretty much non-existent but I can get him to play by himself in his room for about an hour, which is better than nothing, I guess. Taylor is doing really well with potty training. He has begun to tell me he has to go instead of me asking him all the time. Our next tackle is getting him to go in different pottys. And he has also recently learned his ABC's which is totally cool, I think.
And I am still working on getting my back better. I'm going to the Physical Therapist, getting trigger point injections, and experimenting with accupuncture. As soon as I feel enough improvement, we plan on having another baby. So for the time being, we are just living life here in Washington and looking forward to some warm weather!