This last month has been full of rainy days and a couple days of sun. My cousin talked me into dying my hair blond back in November and now Taylor and I are twins! But man, it's tough keeping up with it and stuff but worth it because I think it suits me. I was a toehead (is that how you spell it?) when I was little so I'm going back to my roots.

The days that it has been sunny, we have been having lunch outside.

When it rains, we do a lot of crafts at our kitchen table. Taylor loves to cut and is really good at it! He cuts out little shapes and then glues them to paper. Lately he has been asking me to draw the letters out for him. He is really interested in letters right now. And while he does art stuff, it gives me a chance to work on my cookbook. I'm trying to organize all my favorite recipes into one big cookbook. Below is one of Taylor's sculptures, "Frosty the snowman."

We crank open the blinds in the morning when we see that the sun is out. Then we lay on the woodfloor for a minute or so and soak in some rays.

Yeah for sun!

Another thing that we do a lot of bring all of Taylor's stuffed animals downstairs and hide them under the blanket, in the "pirate cave." I'm in charge of guarding and protecting the animals (laying down with them under the blanket) while he goes back and forth upstairs to get his animals. This morning while we were doing it, I snuck a little nap in for a minute or so. This is one of my favorite games, you can probably guess why. Oh, and Tay likes to wear his belt around his waist, not even in the loops of his pants. Its a sure sign of piracy, he says.

Taylor has always liked stuffed animals and has tons of them. Lately, he's decided that they are prisoners and need to be tied up. Poor little christmas doggy :( Sorry the pictures crocked.

When we moved in last October, we heard that there were a few little boys in the neighborhood for Taylor to play with. For the last couple weeks, they have been playing a lot. They like to play with Sonny too (hee hee). He's realized that he is the neighborhood babysitter.

Sonny in action

I really really like this community greenspace!

And the other day, Taylor insisted that I take a picture of him. He then proceded to pose like this. He cracks me up sometimes! He is so full of questions lately too. Whenever we see a kid at the park, an old man at the store or whatever, he asks me "What's his name?" And every night while I'm making dinner, he asks me "What are we having?" I'm glad that he asks lots of questions! He is so observant and sees things that I don't.

I haven't got a picture of him with his backpack but the last couple months, Taylor has been going to "Tay Tay School." It's an hourly care center that they provide for military families. He's been going there about twice a week while I go to different doctors to try and figure out the back pain that I have been having the last 5 years. I'm so greatful that I found this place because otherwise, I don't know who would have taken care of him. Taylor really loves it there and sometimes, doesn't even want to come home. I'm glad that he is becoming so independent. He is also doing really great at potty training. Sonny is starting his residency in June so we are also getting ready for that. Ah! We have some great trips coming up the next couple months so we are excited about that too. So we are just hanging out here in Washington waiting for the winter to end (RAIN!) and for spring to start.
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