Ha ha, he looks so cute in hats. Plus, it's getting so dang cold here!
Grandpa Idaho came up for Charlie's blessing the beginning of this month. It was fun to visit with him again.
Charlie's blessing day.
Pumpkin picking out day
My 2 fun guys, minus baby Charlie who slept through his whole first pumpkin patch experience.
Like I've said before, Charlie sleeps like an angel when we pack him up and go places. At home, it's hit and miss. But his daytime sleeping is improving, thank goodness!
Tay was a ninja this year for Halloween. He is REALLY into ninja's right now, especially the Ninjago legos. His buddy Jackson, Captain Rex, went trick or treating with us.
This Halloween was pretty cold so we took Charlie out trick or treating for a little bit and then I took him back early to get warm. Sonny stayed out with Taylor and ended up getting tons of goodies.
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