A couple of weeks ago, my family and I ventured off to Knott's Berry Farm

for my dad's 58th birthday. Knowing how much he loves amusement parks and adores waiting in lines, he was excited to go. It was also the last big trip before my brother returned to school at BYU. Taylor went on a few rides in Camp Snoopy and saw a Carousel at the end of the night that he had to go on. He found a fountain that he could put his feet in too. We had lots of fun and I even got to go on some of the big rides. We all got really jacked on "The Accelerator." It't this insane ride that is super short and is sort of constructed oddly so it was it was just "wrong," as Kyle said it was. At one point you are almost upside down but they don't have a shoulder strappy thing on you so you have to hold on for dear life. Sarah, my sister, and I actually got really nervous before hand and at one point, wished we weren't there. At the end of the ride, because of the craziness of it, Sarah's loop earring had made in around her ear. But before we went on that ride, we first did "Ghostrider." I told my parents before hand that they were going to love it when in reality, I knew they were going to hate it. I just wanted them to experience it and feel messed up afterwards. It was pretty funny to watch their terrified faces during it. Ha! Ha! Ha! Anyways, here are a couple of pictures.
I didn't know you had such an evil side, Emily!! Good to know! Hope your parents forgive you.
yah yay!
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