Sonny and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary yesterday! Wow! But it has truly been a wonderful 8 years. We met at BYU in January of 2000. We were both living in the same apartment complex and met through a friend. We had a few classes together and got to know each other until the semester ended in April. We had started dating in March and Sonny decided to take a job in Palmdale as a Pest Control salesman so that we could spend the summer together in California. We dated the whole summer and into the next school year and then got engaged November 2000. We got married in the Los Angeles Temple, my favorite temple (why? hello, I'm a Cali girl!) and, of course, it was an incredible day.
Since we have been married, we have had lots of amazing experiences. Here are some of the places we have lived: Provo, Utah (where, for the last 6 months we lived there, we house sat for a family who had 1 dog, 3 cats, 2 ducks, and a chicken... absolutely loved it, except for the ducks...those suckers are so mean!) , La Verne, CA, here, and soon to be Tacoma, WA.
Here are some of the places we have traveled to together: New York City (Sonny interviewed at Columbia University), San Francisco, Washington D.C. (for an externship at Walter Reed), Washington State (also for an externship at Fort Lewis), and hopefully in 4 years, Germany (I knew I took German in high school for a reason!) And that doesn't count all the layovers during all of our flights.
Anyways, love you hun and I look forward to our fantastic future together!