We spent Easter this year at my sister Sarah's house in Laguna Niguel. My parents and little sister, Elizabeth (home from BYU Idaho for spring break) were also there. My sister's husband, Rocky, also invited some of his family. We all had a terrific time and enjoyed a huge dinner together. Taylor's favorite part was playing with Sarah's miniature dachsund, Daisy. He was busy the whole time just chasing her around the house. Rocky's brother has 2 children and Taylor really had fun with them. I've noticed that Taylor really loves hanging out with older kids... it's funny to watch. He's never shy around them and actually likes to show off a little. Taylor has such a funny sense of humor. I love it! Anyways, I put together a bunch of eggs with treats in them and we had an easter egg hunt in her backyard. While putting them together, I was trying to think up something funny to put in some of the eggs. Since I was a kid, I have always loved pickles and I remembered how growing up, my Nana (what I called my dad's mother) used to put a piece of a pickle in one of the eggs. It was always a tasty little easter snack! Overall, I think I liked looking for the eggs more than Taylor. Like any other little kid, as soon as he realized there was candy in the eggs, he wasn't interested in the hunt anymore. Like I've mentioned before, Taylor lives for chocolate. We also had a fun time visiting with Bosh (oops, I mean Elizabeth!)
I forgot to mention that Taylor also got an awesome Easter basket, and yes, Sonny got one too. He insisted. A couple days before Easter, we dyed our eggs. And the next day, dyed them over again (but this time in juice and water... pretend dye!). Taylor was fascinated with dying eggs for a few days there until every last egg had broke. Altogether, it was a fun holiday with family!

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