My birthday cake that Sonny and Tay made me... there are no candles because Sonny thought I was turning 31...

Taylor is absolutely loving the pool in our apartment complex. He wants to swim constantly, even in cold weather.

Spitting water on me

A circus trick

Tay has figured out that he can take his favorite toys with him everywhere!

Great picture eh? We went to Red Mill Burgers in Seattle for my 30th b-day. It's supposedly one of the best burgers in the U.S. It was pretty dang good!

One of Sonny and Tay's favorite things to do... throwing rocks into the water... totally a guy thing

A cold day in Washington

Oh man, I wish he would have been looking at the camera!

Tay's croc boots are perfect for the rocky beaches here

And lastly, I forgot to post this earlier, this is where I slept the first night in our apartment... before we had access to anything in our pods...lovely

and this is where Sonny slept... he refused to even buy an inflatable pool mattress at Walmart ... and he said he didn't need a blanket too... what a trooper. Needness to say, he regreted it the next morning.
Happy belated birthday! Yes, that is the dress you gave me for my baby shower : ) I LOVE it!! That is so sad abt Taylor saying he wants to go home, but it looks like he is totally loving the pool and being out in nature. Glad you guys made it safely-Good Luck!!
Don't you guys know where to get an air bed...LOL.
That pool looks like fun!
Happy Birthday, you don't look a day over 25, now Sonny could easily be 35 :)
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