We had a reallly great halloween this year. It started out a little bit rocky but ended well. For the past couple weeks or so, I've been planning Taylor's costume. He had told me about a month ago that he wanted to be a mummy. He is really into watching the Scooby Doo movies with all the classic monsters and I thought it was a great idea too, pretty easy really. So I got to work, went to the Goodwill and found white pants and turtleneck and a white sheet. My plan was to soak the white sheet in tea bags over night, rip it into long strands, and once dried, wrap them around tay. The white clothes would be worn underneath the peices of sheet. I was pretty excited and proud of what I had done at this point. The tea bags made the sheet look really old and ancient. But come the night before halloween, while getting ready for our ward trunk or treat, I began to wrap him up. He was fine at first and then suddenly realized he didn't like the idea of being wrapped up or something, I don't know. You got to be kidding me! I told him everything I could think of to try and talk him into it but he wanted nothing to do with it. Great... so we ran to Carls Jr. for dinner and then to Target, crossing our fingers that some kind of costume would be there that he could wear. This is what we ended up with:

Jango Fett, from Star Wars, one of the only costumes left there. taylor is familiar with Darth Vader but wasn't familiar with this character, honestly, neither was I. I had to google it :) It took a little convincing at first to get Taylor to agree to the costume but once he saw the picture of the bounty hunter with his gun and I told him he looked like a robot, he was in.

The costume was still a little bit big but we made it work.

But he refused to wear the best part of the costume, the helmet. I don't blame him really, cool looking but bothersome.

Tay didn't understand the concept of trick or treating when we first started. After the first house, he wanted to stop and eat the candy and go home.

The loot

So he told everybody that he was a "robot guy."

Taylor warmed up pretty fast to trick or treating. After a while, he wanted to go up by himself!

This was our porch all decked out the trick or treaters. The picture isn't very good but if you look closely, there are a few spider webs too.

Of course you always have to make some kind of yummy halloween dessert. I never have before but thought it would be fun to start doing it.

And I also made some Calzones and they even turned out pretty good. Yea!
Hope you all had a great Halloween!
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