This is why I love California... any questions?
You can go to the beach all year around!
We enjoyed the beautiful day with friends and loved seeing the different kinds of entertainment Venice Beach had to offer...
Here is Taylor and his little friends Hallie dancing with the cool roller skaters. I had a halarious video of this but for some reason, it wouldn't upload.
The "Metal Man"
Trying to get Taylor to hold still for a second to take a picture was pretty much impossible...
He preferred to run free and crazy in the water and as you can tell, had a grand old time!
One of the many pieces of artwork around Venice... well, in my opinion, I wouldn't really call this art but was still interesting to look at
And, lastly, here is Sonny standing in front of "Muscle Beach." We were looking around hoping to see Arnold but instead caught a glimpse of a really buff guy in a tight speedo... nice.