Sunday, November 16, 2008
Buzz Lightyear : a part of the family... sort of
So, sadly our Disneyland passes have expired and Sonny and I have been debating on whether or not we should renew them for another year. We decided to hold off for a while due to the pricyness of them (is that even a word and if so, is it spelled correctly?). Anyways, but we forgot one very important fact. The fact that we know somebody, not just somebody but the most awesome person in the world (and I'm not just saying that so that I could use your passes) that is part of the Disney family! My sister Elizabeth is pretty much best friends with Buzz Lightyear- she works on the ride. And that also means that she knows all the Disney secrets like, for example, did you know that they are making a whole new land patterned around the disney movie "Cars ?" Yep. Anyways, so luckily she can get people in free 16 times a year and she is only working there until next month. So that means that we can go like every week! Maybe twice! Right Bosh (Elizabeth)? Thanks bosh, you are the best! Here are some pictures from last week...

Thursday, November 6, 2008
I've been tagged...
Ok, here goes...
5 things I was doing 10 years ago?
1. Having a blast in my sophomore year at BYU Idaho (at that time, Ricks College.)
2. Probably decorating our apartment for Christmas with my awesome roomates, Julie, Melinda, and Kimberly.(I know, super early, but what else is there to do in Rexburg in the dead of winter?)
3. I hadn't met Sonny yet, we didn't meet until January 2000, so I was enjoying hanging out and checking out other cute boys!
4. Suffering through a bad brake to my right leg and wearing one of those ugly, painful boot contraptions the doctor forced me to wear... I took a bad fall off a snow mobile during Conference weekend. I know, serves me right huh?
5. I think it was around then that I did a little experiment. My roommate and I tried to see how long we could go with just eating Malt-o-meal for every meal. It was around the same time that I gained about 15 pounds!
5 things on today's list?
1. Figure out what I'm making for dinner... something with chicken...
2. Crossing my fingers that Taylor takes a nap. As my last blog said, he lost his teddy bear at Disneyland, of all places, and has not been sleeping well at all!
3. Turning in our rent
4. In the morning, go for a brisk walk with Taylor, which I did! Boy, am I out of shape. I need to start exercising more.
5. Clean Sonny's office, what a mess :)
5 snacks I enjoy?
1. A bowl of cereal
2. a giant pickle
3. fruit snacks, preferably fruit by the foot (I know, what am I, 5?)
4. Taco Bell
5. Candy Corn, I got hooked this Halloween...
5 places I've lived from Birth?
1. Layton, UT
2. Fremont, CA
3. Modesto, CA
4. San Jose, CA
5. Glendora, CA
5 jobs I've had?
1. Mom, of course the best but the hardest
2. Laboratory assistant and Courier at both Foothill Presbyterian Hospital and Westcliff Medical Laboratories
3. Medical Records Clerk at both Orem Internal Medicine and Pomona Valley Family Clinic.
4. Records Clerk in Student Services Center at Loma Linda University
5. and the worst, some fast food jobs like the Bagelry, Flying J restaurant, and the Cannon Center at BYU.
Ok, now I tag all of my dental wife friends, you know who you guys are...
5 things I was doing 10 years ago?
1. Having a blast in my sophomore year at BYU Idaho (at that time, Ricks College.)
2. Probably decorating our apartment for Christmas with my awesome roomates, Julie, Melinda, and Kimberly.(I know, super early, but what else is there to do in Rexburg in the dead of winter?)
3. I hadn't met Sonny yet, we didn't meet until January 2000, so I was enjoying hanging out and checking out other cute boys!
4. Suffering through a bad brake to my right leg and wearing one of those ugly, painful boot contraptions the doctor forced me to wear... I took a bad fall off a snow mobile during Conference weekend. I know, serves me right huh?
5. I think it was around then that I did a little experiment. My roommate and I tried to see how long we could go with just eating Malt-o-meal for every meal. It was around the same time that I gained about 15 pounds!
5 things on today's list?
1. Figure out what I'm making for dinner... something with chicken...
2. Crossing my fingers that Taylor takes a nap. As my last blog said, he lost his teddy bear at Disneyland, of all places, and has not been sleeping well at all!
3. Turning in our rent
4. In the morning, go for a brisk walk with Taylor, which I did! Boy, am I out of shape. I need to start exercising more.
5. Clean Sonny's office, what a mess :)
5 snacks I enjoy?
1. A bowl of cereal
2. a giant pickle
3. fruit snacks, preferably fruit by the foot (I know, what am I, 5?)
4. Taco Bell
5. Candy Corn, I got hooked this Halloween...
5 places I've lived from Birth?
1. Layton, UT
2. Fremont, CA
3. Modesto, CA
4. San Jose, CA
5. Glendora, CA
5 jobs I've had?
1. Mom, of course the best but the hardest
2. Laboratory assistant and Courier at both Foothill Presbyterian Hospital and Westcliff Medical Laboratories
3. Medical Records Clerk at both Orem Internal Medicine and Pomona Valley Family Clinic.
4. Records Clerk in Student Services Center at Loma Linda University
5. and the worst, some fast food jobs like the Bagelry, Flying J restaurant, and the Cannon Center at BYU.
Ok, now I tag all of my dental wife friends, you know who you guys are...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Taylor's costume... of course a pirate!
So, we didn't get very good pictures of Taylor's costume this year. He would never face forward long enough to get a frontal view. Anyways, most of his costume was clothes that he already had. I kind of just put the vest together last minute... using scissors and duck tape. hey, it worked and he looked really cute! Of course, he wouldn't keep the hat and eye patch on though. I decided that I would be a pirate too. The night before my parents had a pirate themed Halloween party so I just wore the same outfit. I'll have to post some pictures of it later. It was pretty authentic looking. My dad actually built a sail looking thingy on his porch in the back yard and also put together a steering wheel. And Sonny (the party pooper, ha ha ha) was supposedly a fisherman. Because of the whole lost teddy bear thing, we didn't go trick or treating or anything but I wish we would have tried it this year. By the way, the bear is still lost and the company Sugarloaf is having a hard time finding a duplicate in their warehouse. We got it so long ago that they don't have anymore. I think Taylor is slowly but surely forgetting about it, I hope anyways. I'm just trying to use one of his other stuffed animals to take its place and see if that works. Wish me luck!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Lost Teddy Bear
On Thursday, a really really awful thing happened... and it's all my fault and I feel so guilty about it. My mom, sister, Taylor and I went to Disneyland. In the midst of all the chaos and crowds, I lost Taylor's most favorite possession, his teddy bear. He has a habit of tossing things out of his stroller very often and I usually see it happen but for some reason, I didn't see him toss out his teddy bear. I knew it was bound to happen one of these times. When he has his teddy bear with him, I usually watch him like a hawk because I'm so deathly afraid of it getting lost. And so, it happened. And me being the worrysome, anxious person that I am, I had a cow, and am still having a cow. We all tried looking, I know he dropped it somewhere in tommorrow land, but what are the chances of finding it? Pretty much no chance at all. So i've been calling the lost and found there like every hour but have had no luck. So Sonny and I have been frantically searching around town and on the internet for a second teddy of the same kind. It's a Sugarloaf teddy bear, light blue, and wears a diaper. I have no idea who even gave it to us, somebody at the baby shower I guess. And even worse, we found out that it most likely came from one of those crane vending machines that have stuffed animals, the ones you see in arcades and stuff. So anyways, we've had no luck and Taylor since Thursday has been skipping his naps and not sleeping well at night at all. He has to have this little bear to sleep. We had some activities planned for Halloween, like parties and stuff, that we've had to skip because of this. So if any of you know of where I can find another one of these bears, let me know. Attached is a picture of it. It's interesting, I think in a way, I sort of became attached to it as well. It's funny how something so small and seemingly trivial can make a huge difference in your children's life.
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