My Mom, Sister, and Roy engaged in a deep conversation... My great uncle Roy came down from Valencia to spend the day with us! It's always fun to see him.

We all stayed in an awesome time share right on the beach (loved it!) in Oceanside for a couple of days. We ate at a nice restaurant on the pier where Sonny and his brother shared the "Slam Fest." They literally slam a pile of seafood on the table on a piece of paper and just dig in. They both pigged out big time!

Here Sonny's sister, Carley, and her husband Myles are enjoying their yummy dinner. They came down from Boise.

Me trying once again to get a "decent" picture of Taylor and I. It never works! Great pose, eh? Half way up, half way down...

Us at a secluded beach in La Jolla. It was a pretty cold day but still... it's the beach! It's always beautiful no matter what! Behind us is a rock full of grazing Sea Lions.

Taylor's swimsuit was a little too big!

Sonny's brother Bo and his wife and kids drove all the way down from Rigby, Idaho. They were nice enough to hang out with us at the freezing cold beach! The kids really enjoyed collecting sea shells and found a cool sand crab.

An attempted cousin picture! crazy!

We spent a day at Disneyland with his fam and even got to ride Thunder Mountain together!

All of us waiting in line for Thunder Mountain! Yeah! Our one big ride of the day!

Taylor went back to take a nap and when he woke up, was happy, refreshed, and ready to continue his day at Disneyland. It was so nice to have the timeshare so close so that he could take a much needed nap and so that I could rest too:) Here Tay is waiting for dad to come take him back to D-land! I love those shoes!

Sonny's family wanted to take a gander at the Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. There were lots of crazy but cool people down there. Tay even got to meet his buddy, Captain Jack Sparrow! I have no idea who the guy is next to him...

On graduation day, we got a pirate ship pinata for all the kids. Tay loved all the chocolate candy (tootsie rolls)

My sister, Sarah and her husband, Rocky, came down for the party from Orange County. And that's my cool dad walking into the picture too.

Tay loves his swords and wacking things so hitting the pinata was right up his alley.

We also spent a day at the San Diego Zoo. What a nice place! Overall, we all had a fun time together. Thanks to mine and Sonny's family for taking the time out to come down and see Sonny graduate!
1 comment:
hey this is bosh. haha. nice pictures of mom there. haha. made me laugh.
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