We are now officially out of California and into Washington! Sonny drove our car up on Friday and Taylor and I just arrived by plane last night. It is the weirdest thing in the world but very exciting! It feels like we are on vacation and will eventually get back to our usual lives back in Loma Linda. We got so used to being in California and in a familiar and comfortable environment that it is quite the change! We are staying in a nice Marriott Suites in Renton, about 20 minutes south of Seattle. It has a huge pool, which Tay loves, and a continental breakfast. I think staying in a Marriott presently adds to the unusual-ness of it. Once we get settled and buy a house (hopefully in the next few months), things will feel more normal. We had the chance to visit Tacoma for the first time back in 2007. We came during Christmas time when it was pretty cold but this time, we arrived during the summer. It is perfect weather, about in the 70's. We were glad to leave the very humid, sweaty heat of California. So, for our first day here together, Sonny and Taylor took a dive in the pool this morning and then after naps, we all drove into Seattle. We were planning to visit Pikes Place Market again but unfortunately got there after closing. We decided to just walk a little bit down by the piers and then got some dinner there. We are having so much fun here so far!

The Marriott Suites where we are staying right now

A little bit of Dicken's in Seattle... a neat shop with weird, historical trinkets and things

A view off one of the piers where we ate dinner

Taylor found some water in Seattle

We found a big shop full of just pirate stuff. Taylor was in heaven


A cool view down towards the water

Big tall buildings

A fountain close to Pikes Place Market

A distant twilight view of the Space Needle

Where we grabed some dinner

Riding the pig at Pikes Place Market

Driving into Seattle

Yea 5 freeway!

And lastly, sorry, I had to add this, a disgusting, scary 200 year old mummy they had displayed in the Curiosity shop!!!
1 comment:
We miss you guys! I hope you enjoy Washington and I really hope you come back and visit sometime... you can find us in line for Pirates, AGAIN!
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